Dark Corner Days

Somedays are seemingly the end of the world. When nothing goes right and everything goes wrong and darkness can not come soon enough. I hate these days, as does everyone else I am sure. But I truly hate these days. My optimistic heart hates to be caught in a pessamistic mood. Perhaps it's the looming fog blocking my precious sunlight. Perhaps it's the arrival of the first frost. Perhaps it's the leaves falling from the trees. But all of these things, well they are remonescent of autumn. And fall is my favorite time. So perhaps it's a deeper thing. A gloom of anonomous sorts. A far off crying soul that has some how impacted me. On my most dreadful days when the reason is not apparent I cannot help but think that my heart is mourning for someone else. That my sadness, anger, jealousy, and defeat is in the name of a lost soul. And even though the world is perfect for me, it is evil to them. And in a way, for some unknown pass of fate, for one day I share their pain. And in that small insignifant act I give them a sense they are not alone. So for the days that I sit in the corner and lie curled in a dirty quilt, let me be. My heart is breaking for a nameless faceless person. My heart is breaking so that their's can heal.